Vision Development

The Vision Development service can help you develop a realistic vision that will not only stand the test of time but will also inspire the team to a higher standard.

Purpose & Goals

The primary purpose of this service is to help your team better define your company identity by working together to develop a Mission statement that outlines your purpose for forming a business and a Vision statement of what you want to achieve as business.

  • Facilitate team activities to identify company passions and core business purpose and use those concepts in developing a Mission Statement.

  • Facilitate team activities to identify company integrity and core values and use those concepts in developing a Vision Statement.  


The Vision Development service consists of a series of working sessions with your leadership team where Proxcent will facilitate the development of your company's unique identity using a structured framework. A strong vision provides your business guidance about what to preserve and what to change as a company grows. Proxcent's visioning framework will add clarity and rigor to the vague vision concepts use by most companies. The framework has two principal parts: core ideology and envisioned future. Core ideology combines an organization’s core values and core purpose. It’s the glue that holds a company together as it grows and changes. Core values are an organization’s essential and enduring tenets–the values it would hold even if they became a competitive disadvantage. Core purpose is the organization’s fundamental reason for being. Once you better understand your own core values and purpose then we can work together to define your envisioned future.